Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Pickens Plan

Mr. Pickens idea to use Natural Gas as an alternative to Oil is a fantastic idea. It seems all the polititians are praising it as well. Then you hear 2010 or by 2030, is it not time to do this stuff now! Did you notice everything takes 30 years now to complete. Could we build a Lincoln Tunnel in 2008, I say not. Meanwhile on the news today, Dubai is going to build an even larger building. They can build great things with our money. That again goes back to Pickens, Keep the money here. Use our natural resources now. Even flex fuels have taken a back burner, and it looks like the Chevy Volt is going to be a joke. 50 miles on a charge, Can't the do better then that. That's how Detroit will spend our bailout money for them. Let's get going with real vehicles that take back the American car market, that Henry Ford created.

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